Team +
Great fit for an existing company with a set R&D team that requires additional development resources to continue growing the company’s project, solution, etc. Additionally, this model suits well in case you decide to start creating and R&D office remotely as the representative office. Team + works well in case if the expected workload is 6+ months per 1 development resource. The cost structure is based on the requested salary plus beebleet fee. As a result, there is a fixed monthly cost for each dedicated development resource. There are no limitations in terms of tech stack as well as experience and seniority level. Based on the requirements, we are shortlisting candidates and during further negotiations, your participation is required. Where the final decision is made by you.
Project +
When your project is on initial stages and requires proper requirements clarification with further UX/UI and development, this model is the best choice. Using our experience and expertise both from the technical and business side, we are building projects from scratch. Going through the process of requirements creation, UX wireframes, UI mockups, and further development allows a new project to get the flexibility which is required on the initial stage. Depending on the development progress, we are adding and removing required team members to complete the tasks. The great point, this model is charged on an hourly basis and the overall cost will be based on actual time spent on the project development. The average timeline for the Project + model is 3-5 months.